The Toilet Paper Crisis of 2020- A celiac nightmare
Normally I am prepared and have extra toilet paper on hand, but I have had bigger things going on in my life, than remembering to stock up on toilet paper! We have had big changes in our household with our daughter and granddaughter moving in with us.
I was caught unaware of the mass hysteria building outside my house. Of course, I heard about the Coronavirus and have been paying cautious attention. Imagine my surprise when I realized we just opened the last toilet paper in the house (a house with 6 people who have celiac, crohn’s and gluten intolerance), and there is no toilet paper at the local store and warehouse!!!!
Toilet Paper Gone in 1 Hour!
Every where we went they told us it was sold out in an hour! An hour!!!! How am I supposed to get toilet paper when no one can keep it in stock?! It’s not that these people need toilet paper, it’s simply mass hysteria causing people to hoard loads and loads of toilet paper and water!
So, knowing I had to be there when the store opened, there I was and the store opened early!!! The line was already super long and everyone was in a crazy hurry to get to the supplies! Thankfully, they put a limit on how much toilet paper you can buy at one time! I was able to get what I normally buy!

Please!!! Calm Down!!!
I had one woman hit into my cart, it was uncomfortably close to my leg! Trying to get from the store to my car, I was almost hit twice by cars driving crazy in the parking lot! Then, again, after putting my cart away and walking back to my car, I was nearly hit by a driver who was driving crazy to get a parking space that just opened up.
People are rushing and acting crazy and there isn’t an outbreak! There is no emergency! This is just panic over the possibility of a quarantine that may or may not materialize!

The Real Crisis
The real crisis is the mass hysteria, being hyped up by the media, causing people to lose their ever lovin’ minds!!!! Even the governor of our state has tried to reassure people to calm down. No need to buy massive amounts of anything, especially water. We won’t lose services if there needs to be a quarantine. We will still have water and services.

There is a crisis in people who genuinely need toilet paper, being unable to get it because it is being hoarded!!! There is a crisis in other supplies due to hoarding as well. What we are seeing goes beyond being prepared.
A Plea
Let’s please get some common sense back! Come back down to Earth everyone! It’s okay and good to be prepared, but hey, stop with the craziness! People are stocking up like they are never going to have toilet paper or bottled water again!

Take a few minutes and think about this manufactured crisis (the crisis over toilet paper, not the virus). It is scary, people are dying, but the cases in the United States are small. Precautions to not spread the disease around are being taken and urged so strongly to the public that people are going crazy! What you do need to do is calm down, wash your hands, cover your coughing and sneezing, stay home if you are sick, see a doctor (if you suspect you have the Coronavirus, call ahead and let them know your suspicion) and be sensible about your supplies.
Please check out the CDC website for accurate information on the Covid-19.
Oh, and if you do have auto-immune diseases and conditions like celiac, crohn’s and gluten intolerance, it may be a good idea to stock up!
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