Treating My Second Degree Burn With Essential Oils
Sorry for the ugly pictures of the burn on my finger!
How I burned my finger
So, yesterday my daughter and I went on a morning bike ride. When we returned home, I thought it would be nice to cook the ham steak that was in the fridge and put some protein in after our work out.
I used a fork to turn the ham over in the pan and leaned it against the pan. When it was done, I put it on a plate and somehow ended up with the fork in the same hand as the plate. The fork was under the plate and so I wouldn’t be able to set the plate down without touching the fork to the table. So, without thinking I reached with my left hand and grabbed the fork right in the place that had been leaning against the pan!
Cold water and ice
I quickly set everything down and ran and put my hand in cold water. Then, I got an ice pack and wrapped it in a thin dishcloth and kept it on my finger for 20 minutes. It was looking really good and didn’t look like it was going to blister. You could hardly see anything, but it was hurting and stinging.
Essential Oils
Then I put helicrysum and tea tree oil. (I just did these topically without a carrier.) About 10- 15 min later it was still feeling like it was burning and stinging, so I iced again for 20 min. Added more oils helicrysum and tea tree oil to the affected area.
My daughter came over and told me to put True Lavender on it and that helped a lot. I continued to ice off and on. I then decided it was doing better and tried to wash a few dishes. It didn’t look like it was going to blister at all!

I shouldn’t have tried to wash the dishes!
However, the with the warm water, out popped this lovely blister!!! I put more tea tree oil and lavender on it and some aloe vera gel and was off to do some errands. The blister looked like it was getting bigger and I couldn’t wait until I could ice and apply more oils!
When I got back the blister was enormous!

I can’t believe that you can hardly see it after icing again!
After icing for 20 minutes, the blister went all the way down. It was amazing! I then applied more lavender oil.
I’ve done this before
While doing my errands I talked to my neighbor, whom I had made an essential oil- burn mixture. She got a burn while camping, last month. I had completely forgotten about that! She recommended that I do the same for myself. (Hello! I wasn’t thinking very clearly, evidently.) She said it had worked well for her, didn’t ever hurt and no scarring.
So, one more time icing for 20 min. and then I applied my Essential Oil Cooling mixture for burns.

It keeps going up and then down again.
This is how it looked this morning:

Can hardly see it at all! However, as the day went on it raised again. It is barely noticeable and hasn’t gotten as big as the first two pictures and hasn’t turned yellow.
Time Line
I burned my finger on June 28th- all of these pictures are from the 28th-29th of June. I meant to take more pictures but there wasn’t a whole lot to see. It remained sore for a while and sometimes a little red. However, before July 18th (when this picture was taken) it was completely healed. I just forgot to take a picture but wanted to show you how well it healed!

No sign of my awful burn!
Essential Oil Cooling Mixture for burns
.5 ounce spray bottle
True Lavender 8 drops
Peppermint 8 drops
Roman Chamomile 6 drops
Helichrysum 5 drops
Tea Tree 7 drops
Aloe and Coconut
Fill your .5 ounce spray bottle with the aloe coconut oil (This is your carrier oil.), leaving room to add the essential oils. Add the drops of each essential oil. Screw on the cap. I like to shake it up and then apply. I have applied it several times throughout the day and will continue until it is fully healed.
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