True Lavender! Tooth Extraction and Headaches
Before leaving on our quick trip to the coast, I discovered I had an abscessed tooth! Yikes! The dentist talked about doing a root canal, before my trip, like the day before and then mentioned there are sometimes complications. Um, no!
So, armed with an antibiotic and pain killers we went off on our trip and scheduled the root canal for the day after I got back. I had to go to an endodontist for the procedure. I had already had a root canal in this same tooth, 20 years ago.
The failed root canal
That’s right! The root canal was unsuccessful. Not only was it unsuccessful, but it was a painful process!
The numbing shots, very unpleasant and the whole numbing of the face, what a joy. (Insert, thick sarcasm.) From the x-ray all looked good to go. It was unpleasant having him drill through the cap and post of the tooth. There was a smell that is hard to describe, but it smelled kind of like something was burning. Then, he used another tool that sounded like screaming! My nerves were very much on edge!!!
He used a special microscope to look at where he drilled and to examine the roots. Either, when he was drilling or it was too small to see or in a weird place for the x-ray to pick up, he discovered that the root of my tooth was cracked. One of the few things they aren’t able to fix!
Sinus trouble
The endodentist said the nerves of my teeth are right up against my sinus’. While he was drilling, it shook everything loose in my sinus’. The back of my throat filled with a thick mucus and I started to gag, until his assistant used her suction thing for my throat.
It didn’t end there. For the next week, waiting to get my tooth removed, I had horrible sinus pain. (I had to go back to my regular dentist and come up with a plan of what to do, when the tooth is removed.) I knew my jaw was out of place, too, but I would need it adjusted again, next week. I endured the pain for a week.
The Tooth Extraction
Surprisingly, having my tooth extraction was less painful than the drilling and root canal process. However, it did make me a little sick hearing the sounds you hear when a tooth is removed with force!
Due to having very thin bone between my sinus’ and my teeth, I also needed a bone graft. It will be another 3-4 months before this process is complete.
I was hoping, with the removal of my tooth, the sinus pain would go away. It didn’t and the headaches were excruciating!
Bone Graft
I have been the person with the rare complications, one too many times! Hoping this isn’t one of those times, I decided to do all I can to encourage my body to grow the bone needed. I have been taking a calcium supplement and some Vitamin D3. Your body can’t absorb calcium properly if you don’t have enough Vitamin D and I am not taking any chances.
At my one week post-op, check up, the dentist said it is looking good and the bone is taking! Yeah! (Bonus, my fingernails are growing a lot, too!)
The stitches were removed and he assured me that healing will be easier, now that the stitches are gone.
Lavender! Why didn’t I think of this sooner?!
This was a duh moment, for me! After my tooth was removed, I went to the chiropractor and was adjusted and he did some stretches with my jaw that helped my bite and reduced the strain. It helped quite a bit. However, the majority of the relief only lasted a few hours.
I had been using Frankincense on my jaw to help loosen the muscles and it was helpful, but why did it take me so long to think of using Lavender?
True Lavender is great for sinus conditions! I finally got relief! The sinus pain and problems associated with my sinus’ continued for more than a week after the extraction. I didn’t think of lavender until I was 4 days post-op and miserable. I had almost 2 weeks of unbelievable headaches and sinus issues!
Relief with True Lavender
Almost as soon as I applied the lavender, the relief came! I feel so dumb for not thinking of it sooner.
True Lavender is one of the oils that does not necessarily need a carrier oil. I have mentioned before, one of my daughters has really sensitive skin and needs a carrier for all essential oils. So, be careful, especially if you have sensitive skin.
Apply True Lavender essential oil across your sinus’: across your forehead, bridge of your nose and over your sinus areas. Only use externally!
I am so grateful the headaches are finally dull to gone and the sinus pressure and pain has been reduced. The second I feel anything, I apply True Lavender and it keeps it at bay.
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