Top 10 Blog Posts From Shannon’s Grotto- 2017
Shannon’s Grotto’s top 10 posts from 2017! My blog is about my lifestyle which includes: Being gluten free; celiac and thyroid issues as well as other health issues that often go along with these diseases, essential oils, crafts, relationships and homeschool.
This has been an interesting exercise to review my posts over the past year. Let’s work our way from 10 to the number one popular post for 2017! I hope you find something new and helpful as you look these over.
What is the Connection To Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Celiac
There are many conditions related to celiac disease. While those with celiac seem to be at a higher risk for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 3X higher, it is yet unknown why this is the case. If you have celiac disease it is important to know and understand conditions and potential problems. The good thing about NAFLD is that it can be managed. Read about the risks and treatment.
20 Myths About Celiac and the Gluten Free Diet
There are so many myths about celiac and the gluten free diet. This post talks about 20 of those myths and what the truth is with celiac disease, its issues and the gluten free diet.
72 Hour Kit For A Gluten Free College Student
This kit works well, whether you are a college student or not. I did this one for my daughter who is away at college. Last year was the snowiest it has been in many years, where she attends. They had some power outages and later flooding and had days they were asked to not shower or flush toilets. We didn’t know how bad it was going to get and wanted to make sure she had some things together in case they had to evacuate.
Understanding Labeling Laws For Gluten Free Foods
You would think the law would be simple and cut and dry, but it isn’t! Foods can be cross contaminated and the source is important. Do you understand how gluten is measured and what PPM stands for?
2017 Sunscreen List: Gluten Free and Hormone Disrupter Free
Many people with celiac react to gluten topically. I am one of those people and have had a DH rash from gluten being in my body products. Another issues to be aware of are the chemicals in sunscreen that are hormone disrupters. This list has sunscreens that are both gluten free and hormone disrupter free.
Parenting Your Oldest Child- DOs and Don’ts
This is part 1 of a 2 part post. Many oldest children are thought to: be bossy, tattle tellers, and they fight and argue. This post discusses those issues and how to handle these issues as well as: back talking, thinks they are overworked, knows everything, wishes they were an only child and thinking you are harder on them than anyone else.
Exploding Watermelon and the Science Behind It
This was a fun homeschool activity we did with our whole family! Watch our video, we slowed it down so you could see just how far it exploded. Not only is this fun and interesting but there is a lot to learn about potential and kinetic energy.
Celiac Symptoms & Their Severity- How Bad Do You Have It?
Many people think that the severity of your symptoms is a sign of “how bad you have it”. This is one of my pet peeves because you don’t have to have severe symptoms to have serious damage occurring to your intestines, when you have celiac disease. Everyone with celiac disease has it really bad!
Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery
This is how we used essential oils to help in the recovery of having my daughter’s wisdom teeth removed. My older two had some difficulties and so we did things a little different with our third. This post includes a list of soft, gluten free foods to have around during recovery.
The #1. Top Post for 2017!
2017 Gifts For Piano Students And Teachers
Fun ideas for gifts to give to your favorite pianist or piano teacher! My daughter is a pianist and piano teacher and so we are always on the lookout for fun music gifts.
Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey!
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