I wasn’t going to do part 2 so soon! However, it has been a rough week and let me tell you, the struggle is very real!!!
Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day weekend, started off good, but rough with getting enough water and eating small meals throughout the day. I have come to realize how much harder it is to drink the water my body needs and eat small, more frequent meals when there is a lot going on. I get busy and I either forget or don’t want to find something to eat!
I picked my daughter up from college, for the long weekend. She needed another book for one of her classes and she needed to get a book she had at home that one of her professors just required. Over the weekend, we went to the drag races, Swiss Days, and we tried to go to a park that has a zoo, but by the time we got there it was closed.
No More Fasting. . . for a while
But what really did me in and made this week hard is fasting. I am a Latter-Day Saint aka Mormon and we believe in fasting at least once a month. With everything going on with my health, I should have skipped fasting this month.
On Monday, I was so dehydrated that I almost had to go to the hospital. Thankfully drinking Gator Aide helped my symptoms and I started to recover. I never want to feel that way again and yet it is still so hard for me to drink all the water and Gator Aid that I should!
By the end of the week, I did much better with drinking my water. Still, it was a rough week with a lot of fatigue and low energy.
We only made it out once to bike ride, because of the smoke from all the fires in the west. I’ve got to do better at finding exercise indoors when I can’t get out.
Off Balance
Well, that was last weekend. This past weekend went well. . . until I lost my balance in the shower!
Okay, who doesn’t have a nightmare about falling in the shower?!
Who wants people to come running to find you naked, on the floor and in pain?!
Absolutely humiliating to admit that this happened! This is the kind of thing that happens to old people. . . really old people.
So, here’s what happened: I keep compensating for the pain I get in my side when I bend over. The liver is large and my ribs push on it causing pain. In Part 1 of my journey I mentioned that shaving my legs was difficult because it hurts to bend over. Well, washing the bottoms of my feet is no joy either and yesterday the foot I was standing on slipped out from under me.
Sigh. Another betrayal by this body of mine.
It was all kinds of crazy in the shower and the door popped open and one of my biggest concerns was to not hit my head and need stitches! Thankfully, that humiliation was averted!
Unlike my nightmares, only my sweet husband came running and helped me off the shower floor. (Still having crazy imaginings of random people in my bathroom. Because that would be so much worse! Too close to the nightmare, for me!) For a few seconds, I wasn’t sure if I could stand, my hip hurt so badly!
Gravity works!

This is the back of my arm. My poor backside looks even more colorful with more reds and purples in the bruising.
I accomplished a couple of things with this fall:
- Gravity is in working order! Just in case you were wondering.
- What goes up must come down; even if it means hitting as many body parts on the way down as possible!
- I don’t have osteoporosis! Nothing broke! (Many people with celiac have osteoporosis.)
- I was able to get up and walk away from the shower, without too much help!
- My chiropractor will get a work out today!
So, yes the struggle is real!
Do you eat small frequent meals throughout the day? What do you eat? What helps you to remember to eat more frequently?
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